Friday, August 16, 2013

Five-Minute Friday : SMALL


There are three things that make me feel like a small person in a big, big world: certain places, circumstances and time.  Not "small" in a bad way.  In a "God put you here for a reason" way.  When I experience those places, circumstances and times-- it reminds me of my purpose.  God speaks to my heart.  He's always spoken to me through those three means.  I can count on it every time.  All I have to do is get away and He'll be there!

Some people feel great being "big" or "powerful".  But it's great to be vulnerable and small.  You get to experience people's genuine care for you, and drink that in.  You don't even have to play the victim.  Just care for and love people deeply... and meaningfully.  You will find yourself being cared for and loved deeply as well.  Being like this makes you more susceptible to the enemy's fiery arrows, but that's what our armour is for.  God is fighting for us.  Stand up and be bold-- go ahead and make a difference in people's eternal lives.



  1. Such a great message here. So thankful I stopped by today from the 5 Minute Friday!

    1. Barbie, glad to inspire. Thank you for stopping by! :)

  2. It's so true! And your post reminds me of I Peter 1:22, "Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, *love one another deeply,* from the heart."
    Lovely post.
    (I couldn't post from my WordPress account, but my blog is at

    1. Ria, that verse correlates perfectly! Thank you so much for that, and thank you for stopping by :)

  3. Hi Anna! Oh my gosh, I totally wrote something just like yours! Isn't that funny? That smallness helps us experience the care of Christ through others. Amazing!
    Love the photo too!

    So nice to meet you today. I hope we will get to know each other better :)

    1. Wow, I will head on over to your blog to see! That's funny LOL! Great minds think alike ;) Have a great day and thank you for coming by my page!

  4. Beautiful and so true! I think sometimes feeling "small" is exactly what we need, to find our place in the world and understand what God has planned for us.
